Tuesday, October 9, 2012


I'll just start off with a rating of not a satisfying watch while under the influence

Who would of thought, alcohol, making you stupid, simply amazing. With this said I realized what I was watching was something like a 10 year old understanding quantum physics. I really had no idea what was going on. I periodically fell asleep twice in 15 minute intervals (probably the reason I didn't understand anything). Although I bet watching this movie sober is probably a fantastic movie . Just take a look at that trailer. This is why I'm probably going to watch it again, maybe drunk, and just maybe I can overcome the effects of alcohol on the judgement of movies. All in all I was rather amused and entertained, from the parts I was awake.

p.s. Why is Bruce Willis always an angry motherfucker

  • On tap: 10 Coldshots
  • 1 spleezy

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