Monday, October 8, 2012

Interesting discoveries

Coldshots are great for when your in a rush. Can easily pocketed and brought in for what I like to call as "Theatre Brew". I prefer the Budweiser over the Canadian ones because of the taste.

I'm almost always 15 minutes late to the movie. All I'm missing is previews so it is not a big deal. Also a note to add: If your watching a movie at Cineplex theatres make sure you grab the AVX. I'd watch the god damn previews all day if I could.

That bass is almost orgasmic.

If inhaling the medicinal properties earlier during the day smoke almost double before the movie to be at the same state as you were in earlier that day. Why? The Law of Diminishing returns.

In short: "The tendency for a continuing application of effort or skill toward a particular project or goal to decline in effectiveness after a certain level of result has been achieved."

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