Sunday, October 14, 2012

End of Watch

Well that was just a fantastic movie. It had both experiences brought out in the movie: violence and emotion. With these two aspects combined and evenly used it filtered into a great movie that actually had my interest for the full movie. We got these two joker cops and then theres the "dark side" so to say, no pun intended, but they are black. The black gangs play a little role but get the story moving along, keeps things in line, and shows what L.A. cops actually do all day. Arresting THE CRIMINAL SCUM and doing paperwork. Then we have the cartel which are an annoying bunch of filthy bastards from Mexico. Every second and third word out of the what seemed to be the "lĂ­der del grupo" was fuck, fucker, fucking or a combination of all three. This combined with the annoying woman driver who has the typical slang english spanish fucking soup of a language. It made you want to hate them and it worked. Just every little scene blossomed and grew into a finale which was, well, uh, I don't want to spoil it.

Overall fantastic movie
p.s. I was informed from one of my colleagues that one of the cartel actors is actually a criminal. I knew that acting was to good to be true.

On Tap: 
  • 200 ml Johnie Walker Red Label
  • Can't think

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